The Watcher by Jeanne C. Stein

The Watcher by Jeanne C SteinI’m not really sure what to say about this book.  It wasn’t horrible, it wasn’t great, it was kind of just…fluff?  The main character is Anna Strong, a recently-turned Vampire.  It’s set in a high magic version of our world – San Diego, to be precise.  There’s shape shifters, witches, and other things that “go bump in the night”, though the author has taken a cue from some of the more recent Vamp stories and has given her blood suckers the ability to walk in sunlight.  They do not, however, sparkle…something that makes me extremely grateful.  By day, Anna is a bounty hunter with human partner David.  By night, she works for “The Watchers” bringing down rogue vampires.  The plot’s really kind of silly.  Anna catches a few fugitives who have jumped bail with the help of David.  She smushes a vampire or two.  She helps save a mortal woman from an abusive husband. Rinse, repeat, add some more fluff to make things “interesting” there’s your story.  Honestly it seemed to me like the author just sat down, came up with a half dozen sub-plots, threw them all together, and called it a book.  It’s the third novel in a series of novels, so I suppose I would appreciate it more if I’d read the first two, but really it served well enough as a stand alone story.  There was a lot of explaining going on of Anna Strong’s past and how she became what she is, so you don’t -have- to read the first two to be caught up for this story…or stories.

I’ll give it 6 of 10, because at least the author didn’t resort to a multitude of love scenes to fill in dead space.  The writing style was, at least, engaging enough to keep me reading til the end.