
Kitchen Confidential by Anthony BourdainTitleKitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly
Author:  Anthony Bourdain
Publisher: Ecco
Publication Date:  Updated edition (January 9, 2007)
Paperback: 312 pages

Racy, raunchy, ridiculously accurate, and a purely fun read. Anyone who has ever been in or around a restaurant kitchen for any length of time will recognize that Anthony Bourdain is speaking the truth and nothing but the truth. His blunt writing style is incredibly refreshing. I loved this book.

8 of 10

TitleThe Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around DogsThe Other End of the Leash by Patricia McConnell
Author:  Patricia B. McConnell
Publisher:  Bellantine Books
Publication Date:  April 29, 2003
Paperback:  272 pages

Everyone who owns a dog, or any warm blooded animal, should read this. It gives great insight into the realm of “owning” a dog, and allows one to develop a better understanding of how dogs think, react, and learn.

8 of 10