Obsessively obsessing…or books I want, now!

But the raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only,
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing further then he uttered – not a feather then he fluttered –
Till I scarcely more than muttered `Other friends have flown before –
On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.’
Then the bird said, `Nevermore.’

From “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe

Oh how I love Poe.  I was first introduced to his works in my High School English class and I have been in love ever since.  Thank you, dear teacher!  I believe it is because of this love that when I noted the title of this first book in my list, I had to stop and read the review listed on http://thebooksmugglers.com/.

As I said, it was the title that first caught my attention, but the review that kept it.  Nevermore by Kelly CreaghNevermore by Kelly Creagh really just sounds like a fascinating read.  Isobel the cheerleader, Varen the goth…both of whom sound as though they’ve been written with depth and attention to detail.  I can’t wait to snag a copy of this book.

Also, after reading the review of Nevermore and looking over the remainder of my current wish list, I’ve discovered that there’s a lot more Young Adult Fiction there than I anticipated.  There’s also a good many Mystery & Thrillers, but I’ve purchased several of those, so they’re more of a TBR thing than Wish List.  Now, enough with my rambling – here’s the list of what books I’d really really love to have sitting on my desk right now:

Paranormalcy – Kiersten White
The Replacement – Brenna Yovanoff
Pegasus – Robin McKinley
A Matter of Magic – Patricia Wrede
The Bards of Bone Plain – Patricia A. McKillip
Firelight – Sophie Jordan
Across the Universe – Beth Revis  (This one was brought to my attention via 21 Pages)

My husband may just take away my debit card if I buy all of these.  I also have six books arriving from Doubleday Book Club, two books I snagged during our latest Wal-Mart run, plus quite a few others in the TBR pile as well as a stack of e-Galleys waiting.

Hello, my name is Ree, and I am addicted to books.