Ree’s Monday Meanderings

I think I’ll probably do this every Monday, since Mondays are lazy days in Anderson-house…for me, at least.   Oh, wait, I should probably tell you -what- I’m doing, huh?  Oops!

Every Monday I’ll be meandering my lazy way through all of the Blogs I got behind on reading during the weekend.  I’ll spotlight some of the giveaways and more interesting posts that I run across, so that their hosts and authors can get a little more exposure.

So! Our first Monday Meanderings…

Over at Total Bookaholic, there’s quite a few giveaways of some really interesting reads.  She also links to several other Blog Giveaways.  Most importantly, of course, are her reviews – the ones I’ve read, and I’m sure the others as well, are insightful and full of depth.  No rambling there, which is nice.  I’ve added several books to my wish list based on what I’ve seen at her blog.  The giveaways I’m spotlighting here are:  a signed galley copy of Extraordinary by Nancy Werlin & a copy of Kiss Me Deadly by Trisha Telep.  Her most recent review (as of this writing) is about The Duff by Kody Keplinger and, while I was not willing to pick up the book and read it before, I most definitely want to read it now.  Oh, and she has a SUPER adorable button!

Also on the radar this week: A Life Bound by Books.  I’ve been following this blog for just over a week, possibly a little longer, and I enjoy it a lot.  Her review of The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller made me add it to my wishlist, so she’s got to be doing something right. 🙂 Either of the links I’ve provided here will also take you to the main page of her site where her giveaways (and the giveaways of others) are listed.  Enjoy!  (And she has an adorable button, too!)