Follow Friday #1

Follow Friday by Parajunkee.comFollow (my Book Blog) Friday is hosted by  It’s intended to help the blogs out there get new followers and promote traffic to the sites of those involved. I love the idea, so when I stopped over at (via the Blog Hop) and saw the Follow Friday post, I knew I had to participate.

Since starting this whole book blogging endeavor, I have found several new friends and developed a passion for blogging that I didn’t think was possible. (I have habit-forming issues -it’s hard as heck for me to create a habit, so to do this daily is a huge accomplishment for me!)

Anyway, go on over to Parajunkee’s site (link above, or click the image) and browse the list. Follow as many blogs as you find interesting, and make sure you comment on their pages!

Fellow Followers: Welcome to my site, and I’ll definitely follow you if you follow me!

This week’s question is from Angela @ Reading Angel:

Which do you prefer, eBook or Print?

My answer: Definitely print!  I love the feel of the book in my hand, the scent of the ink on the pages, the wispy sound as you turn a page…the entire experience is just blissful.