Nightshade Campaign – Wow!

A few weeks ago I received an email asking me if I wanted to participate in the Shay Doran/Nightshade campaign.  Well heck yes, I would!  I’m eagerly anticipating this book and so I was absolutely thrilled to receive the email.  They asked for my mailing address, which I happily provided, and then I settled in to wait.

On Monday, I received a package.  At first I was pretty confused…first from the package was a book – falling apart – bound in cloth, with this on the front: 

Needless to say, I was intrigued.  Also in the package was a letter from Shay that reads, “Thanks for helping me with this, I think if we all post pics on facebook of the clues we find, then together we can solve this mystery.”  Yeah, ok, how cool is THAT?

The book title is “The Only Woman in the Town and other Revolutionary Stories” by Sarah J. Prichard.  And did I mention that it possesses that old book smell that makes a lover of books really just want to bury her face in it and inhale deeply for hours?  This might be an addiction. Who knows.

Onward…  Inside the book, to my fangirl squealy delight, I found these:

(Click on them for larger versions)

The first clue reads:
On the left page –> Pyralis the fire element
On the right page –> Eydis the water element

The second clue reads:
On the left page –> found on Whakaari Bay of Plenty
On the right page –> found in the Yucatan down below the ocean

I’ll be posting these clues on the Shay Doran facebook page in just a few moments.  Too much fun!!