Ree Ramblings…

So I’m trying to get back into this whole blogging thing. It’s been a little more difficult to get back into the swing of things than I thought it would be, mainly because my attention span is still similar to a two year old’s. I don’t know if it’s the hormones from being pregnant or what, but I get distracted -so easily- right now. At any rate, I’m trying. In an effort to re-submerse myself into the Book Blogging community, I’ve been poking through other blogs, catching up on author news, and chit-chatting with the folks I’ve missed talking to.

So far, it looks like there’s been some serious drama in the blogosphere. I’m not going to name names, and I’m not going to post links (except to one blog post that I especially like), but gracious – if you write a book and you publish that book and you want people to read and review and PROMOTE THAT BOOK FOR FREE, then you need to sit on your tushie and hush up.

I’ve got news for the Negative Nelly Authors out there. If I read a book -whether it’s one I’ve purchased or received free for review- I’m going to be HONEST in my review. If I don’t like the book, I’m going to explain why I don’t like the book. No, I’m not going to remove the review or rewrite the review (unless there’s obvious grammar/spelling errors in it) and I’m not going to apologize for my critique. But guess what? That’s not necessarily BAD for the author! Amazingly enough, not everyone who reads my blog agrees with every word I say. Oddly enough, most of the people who care enough to read reviews before purchasing a book are not mindless little sheep. They’re probably going to read quite a few reviews before making the purchase. Someone out there is going to have an opinion OPPOSITE of mine.

It’s kind of strange how that works, you know? Anyway, it’s just a bit of a pet peeve of mine. If you (authors) don’t want negative review of your books, then you probably want to skip having it published. It’s kind of a thing.

Anyway – this post on Amanda Hocking’s blog titled “Book Bloggers Are People, Too” makes me kinda heart her.  And I didn’t realize it til today, but she’s got a neato vampire series happening that I absolutely must have and her Trylle Trilogy sounds yumtastic as well.  It’s a shame I’m on a book-buying-ban unless it’s for the baby. Hrm…perhaps I can just -say- they’re for the baby and the hubby will go with it?

Gonna think on that.
