Title: Stork
Author: Wendy Delsol
Genre: Young Adult
Publisher: Candlewick
Publication Date: October 12, 2010
Hardcover: 357 pages
Where’d I Get It: Purchased
Synopsis (From Goodreads): Family secrets. Lost memories. And the arrival of an ancient magical ability that will reveal everything.
Sixteen-year-old Katla LeBlanc has just moved from Los Angeles to Minnesota. As if it weren’t enough that her trendy fashion sense draws stares, Katla soon finds out that she’s a Stork, a member of a mysterious order of women tasked with a very unique duty. But Katla’s biggest challenge may be finding her flock at a new school. Between being ignored by Wade, the arrogant jock she stupidly fooled around with, and constantly arguing with gorgeous farm boy and editor-in-chief Jack, Katla is relieved when her assignment as the school paper’s fashion columnist brings with it some much-needed friendship. But as Homecoming approaches, Katla uncovers a shocking secret about her past — a secret that binds her fate to Jack’s in a way neither could have ever anticipated. With a nod to Hans Christian Andersen and inspired by Norse lore, Wendy Delsol’s debut novel introduces a hip and witty heroine who finds herself tail-feathers deep in small-town life.
My Thoughts: I discovered Stork while filling my Amazon cart with books I’d had on my wish list for a while. When this popped up on the recommended list, the word “Stork” automatically caught my attention – I was, after all, newly pregnant and quite fascinated with everything baby. The synopsis drew me further in and though when I purchased the book there were not a lot of reviews out yet, I decided to go with it anyway. I mean…storks…babies…debut novel…you can’t lose! Right?
Unfortunately, wrong. The book did not live up to my expectations. While the premise was definitely unique (especially for the current YA scene), the execution of it was truly hit or miss. The author’s writing (and by writing I mean word usage/grammar/spelling/etc) was good enough to keep me reading, I definitely got tired of hearing about the protagonist’s obsession with name-brand clothing. What got me, especially, was that Katla seemed like such a shallow, self-absorbed, selfish little chit of a thing…yet she was tasked with something that I, at least, believe is monumentally huge. Choosing which parents “deserve” a child? THAT sort of life-changing, awe-inspiring decision has been given to -that- girl? Ahh, NOW I understand why we have parents who “accidentally” drop babies off of bridges!
That was probably harsh, and I suppose that I am biased. Having struggled with infertility and having seen and heard of truly horrible things happening to children who belong to people who just really don’t deserve children…well, that appalled me. Katla even lied at one point about her visions to her mentors and “sister” storks, just to cover her own tush. Yeah, that’s just not okay.
I admit, the twist with Jack was interesting. The character development with Katla was there, and really, the -bones- of the story are very, very good. But, as I said, the execution was lacking. I’ll read the sequel, but I’ll be going into it with lower expectations.
Rating: 4 of 10
Bella Factor: Not really, or possibly borderline…
I’m Kate Evangelista, author of Taste, and I just wanted to take this time to introduce myself. If you have the time, please stop by The Coffee Bar by using the link below:
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