Archives for April 2011

Promise by Kristie Cook

This review may lean slightly toward the side of spoiler-ish, so stop reading now if you want. Then again, if you’ve even half a clue what went on in Twilight, you’ll have no surprises in Promise.

Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton

At the beginning of this debut novel, we are introduced to Ellie and what appears to be the typical life of a typical teenager. It’s this first bit of writing that kept my interest – not so much because the information was riveting (remember, typical and typical) but because the writing was such that the typical -sounded- good. (Or read well…whatever you like.)

Bumped by Megan McCafferty

Mmm, satire. How I heart thee… and I kind of heart this book, because it’s filled to the brim with the beauty that is satirical writing. Now, while I don’t believe this book was the best bit of literature ever written, I do believe it conveys an important message – extremes on issues such as teen pregnancy are a little asinine.