This review may lean slightly toward the side of spoiler-ish, so stop reading now if you want. Then again, if you’ve even half a clue what went on in Twilight, you’ll have no surprises in Promise.
Archives for April 2011
Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton
April 11, 2011 by ·
At the beginning of this debut novel, we are introduced to Ellie and what appears to be the typical life of a typical teenager. It’s this first bit of writing that kept my interest – not so much because the information was riveting (remember, typical and typical) but because the writing was such that the typical -sounded- good. (Or read well…whatever you like.)
Bumped by Megan McCafferty
April 7, 2011 by ·
Mmm, satire. How I heart thee… and I kind of heart this book, because it’s filled to the brim with the beauty that is satirical writing. Now, while I don’t believe this book was the best bit of literature ever written, I do believe it conveys an important message – extremes on issues such as teen pregnancy are a little asinine.