Espresso…Mmm – The Espresso Book Machine

But not the steamy hot kind that comes from your favorite coffee shop.

I’m talking about the Espresso Book Machine.  It’s all over the Twittersphere today that HarperCollins publishing house has signed up to allow 5,000+ of their titles to be offered through the lovely device.

They’re calling it their “Comprehensive Backlist” program and what it means for us readers is the ability to access MORE books…easily.

I’m sure every one of us has gone into a book store looking for a particular title, only to become dismayed when there is no copy available.  Most bookstores will happily order it for you, but obviously you want it ASAP.  In stores with the EBM you can just have it printed right there.  In fact, according to HarperCollins in this press release, the desired work, “…can be printed, bound, and trimmed to a bookstore-quality, perfect-bound paperback book, with a full-color cover, in minutes.”

Now, my excitement may be enhanced because HarperCollins is one of my fave publishers, but really… How freaking cool is THAT?!

Now we just need more publishers to sign up (Simon & Schuster, where are you?), and more bookstores to grab the machines.  I know I’ll definitely take advantage of the service just as soon as the opportunity arises.

What do you think about all this?