Book Blogger Hop #9

Book Blogger HopThank goodness it’s Friday!  This has been one heck of a week for me and I’m super happy that the weekend is almost here. Yay!

It’s also time for the Book Blogger Hop which is a weekly hop hosted by  This week’s prompt is:

In honor of Banned Books Week, what is your favorite “banned or frequently challenged book”?

Oh, wow…I have to choose just one?  I like a lot of the books on the 2010-2011 list.  I think I’d have to say that I have two favorites from this particular set; both Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and The Hunger Games (series) by Suzanne Collins are really wonderful reads.  They’re -very- different from one another, but both are incredible.  I think everyone should pick up a copy of each! 🙂

I hope all of you lovely individuals have a fantastic Friday and that your weekends are deliciously fabulous!

Oh, and don’t forget to let me know what your favorite from the 2010-2011 list is.  I’m nosy, you see, and have to know! 🙂




  1. I’ve only read the first of the Hunger Games but I plan to read the other two. I couldn’t pick a favorite from the ALA list. So I listed the ones I’ve read. Please come see what they are.

    • Thanks for stopping by, Sarah! I’ve hopped over to your blog to see your list – it’s awesome that you’ve read so many! I think that a lot of the books that end up challenged for whatever reason are the books that readers just plain like to read – they make you think, they make you feel, they’re just good…and many people can’t handle that.

  2. Great choice, just blogging by.