Title: Counting Kisses
Author: Karen Katz
Genre: Children’s
Publisher: Little Simon
Publication Date: January 1, 2003
Boardbook: 32 pages
Where’d I Get It: Personal Library
Synopsis (From Goodreads): How many kisses does it take to say good night?
My Thoughts: Keeping in mind that I’m reading this book to an 8 month old, I have to say this book is quite nice. It is obviously geared toward children a little older than my guy, but I don’t much care for age restrictions and I love reading anything and everything to him. That said, there’s a decided lack of sing-song quality to the prose here, so reading it in a way that keeps a fidgety less-than-year-old little boy interested is hard. That’s not a mark against the book, however. For an older child with a longer attention span and at least a partial idea of how to sit still and pay attention, I think it’d be a fantastic and adorable little story. It’s full of love and it has counting – snuggles and learning all in one – that’s just lovely!
The Geekling’s Opinion: He’s teething, so his interest is more in chewing on anything and everything within arms reach while whimpering and screaming alternately. That said, I think he liked it! The bright pictures certainly caught his attention.
Rating: 4 of 5
Book 3 of 36 in the 2012 Read to Me – Picture Book Reading Challenge.
You know, I think you were the one who suggested I get this book. It’s one of the first ones I bought when we found out I was pregnant. Geekling really likes the pictures, and I’m sure he’ll appreciate it even more as he grows…or I’ll just force it on the next kid. 😉