About Us

Aerie “Ree” Anderson

Hello there!  My name is Aerié, though most folks call me Ree (it’s easier to say, and all).  I’ve been very happily married to my dear husband, Josh, since December 4, 2008.  We have one child who is AWESOMESAUCE.  For pets, we have two dogs (Sage and Recon), two cats (Kara and Blanca), and an American Quarter Horse named Chips.  I keep trying to convince Josh that a Leopard Gecko would make a cool pet but he keeps talking mumbo jumbo about “lack of time” and “too much effort” and “we already have enough…”  *sigh*

Most of my time is taken up by our 13 month (as of this writing! 7-22-12) old son, so I have limited time nowadays for reading and reviewing.  That’s ok, though, it just means I have to be pickier about what I read!!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved to read.  My parents read to me when I was little – The Velveteen Rabbit, Berenstein Bears, tons of Little Golden Books.  When I was six or so, my father started reading the Nancy Drew series to me.  Every night at bedtime he read three chapters to me.  Always three, never two, never four, just three.  He read every single one of the original fifty-six books to me that way, and I loved every moment of it.  The day after he finished reading them to me, I began reading them over myself.  I will ignore the need to sleep, eat, socialize, or anything else that would take me away from the story I’m currently immersed in.  Reading a good book is, to me, better than watching a movie.  In the past several years, life has not allowed me to read as much as I’d like.  That is changing, though, and I am once again able to enjoy at least one new book a week, sometimes two or three.

I’ll be posting reviews – good or bad – on the books I read.  I plan on re-reading some old loves (Anne of Green Gables, The Velveteen Rabbit, perhaps even a Nancy Drew book or two) and developing some new ones.  My focus initially will be on Fantasy, Mystery, Young Adult, and Children’s books.  Perhaps I’ll narrow that down a bit, but who knows; my tastes are varied.


I currently work full-time at a very small law office (as in one attorney/one employee small) assisting in whatever needs assisting, mostly in the world of workers’ compensation and personal injury. Not the most exciting thing ever, but it pays the bills, and I’m allowed to indulge in book reading to my heart’s content. Yippee!

I’m also happily married to a witty husband and we live to keep three terriers fat and sassy!

I’m working on becoming a court reporter, which means I get to be nosy and listen to everyone’s cases and even “gossip” by reporting it back to the attorneys. Fun, right?