Update on the World of Ree

Hello my dearest darlings!  First I want to again apologize for being absent for so long.  Being on bed rest is no fun, being on bed rest and not being able to stay awake while horizontal is even less fun.  Today, though, I feel well enough and have the doctor’s go-ahead to exist outside of […]

My Journey: From Literature to Home Remodeling

As an avid writer and literature enthusiast, I’ve always found solace in the pages of a good book or the rhythm of my keyboard as I crafted stories and shared my passion for literature with the world. However, my journey took an unexpected turn recently, leading me down a path I never imagined—home remodeling. For […]

Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon (Update #1)

Well!  Today got off to a little bit of a hectic start.  My husband and I are doing a cycle of IVF treatment (yay!) so I’ve had doctor’s appointments every day this week.  Unfortunately, that also included today, so I wasn’t able to focus as much on reading for this Read-a-Thon like I wanted to. […]

Thirst No. 3: The Eternal Dawn by Christopher Pike

Title: Thirst No. 3: The Eternal Dawn Author: Christopher Pike Genre: Young Adult Publisher: Simon Pulse Publication Date: October 5, 2010 Paperback: 512 pages Where’d I Get It: Purchased Synopsis (From Goodreads): Alisa has spent the past five thousand years as a vampire, living alone and fighting for survival. In her loneliness, Alisa cannot resist […]

Oooh what a fun day!

I don’t usually do the “In My Mailbox” style post, but I’m so excited about what came in the mail today that I can’t resist. I pre-ordered Christopher Pike’s Thirst No. 3: The Eternal Dawn a few months ago, and it arrived TODAY. I am so so so so SO excited to read this book […]

Fallen by Lauren Kate

Title: Fallen Author: Lauren Kate Genre: Young Adult Fiction Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers Publication Date: December 8, 2009 Hardcover: 464 pages Where’d I Get It: Borrowed Beauty from the Library Synopsis (From Goodreads): There’s something achingly familiar about Daniel Grigori. Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce Price’s attention from the moment she sees […]

New Female Protagonist Rating System

/begin rant From now on, if there’s a female protagonist in the book I’m reviewing, my review will state whether they are “Bellaesque” or “Non-Bellaesque”  Why? Because I’ve read far too many books lately that make me want to grab the protagonist by the shoulders, shake her, tell her to get some bloody self respect, […]

Darklight by Lesley Livingston

Title: Darklight Author: Lesley Livingston Genre: Young Adult Publisher: HarperTeen Publication Date: December 22, 2009 Hardcover: 320 pages Where’d I Get It:  Borrowed Beauty from the Library Synopsis (From Goodreads): Much has changed since autumn, when Kelley Winslow learned she was a Faerie princess, fell in love with changeling guard Sonny Flannery, and saved the […]