Title: Linger Author: Maggie Stiefvater Genre: Young Adult Publisher: Scholastic Press Publication Date: July 13, 2010 Hardcover: 368 pages Where’d I Get It: The publisher (thank you thank you thank[…]
Author: Ree
So I’m trying to get back into this whole blogging thing. It’s been a little more difficult to get back into the swing of things than I thought it would[…]
Title: The Emerald Talisman Author: Brenda Pandos Genre: Young Adult Publisher: Obsidian Mountain Publishing Publication Date: August 01, 2010 Hardcover: 288 pages Where’d I Get It: From the Publisher Synopsis[…]
Title: Just Take My Heart Author: Mary Higgins Clark Genre: Mystery & Thriller Publisher: Simon & Schuster Publication Date: April 07, 2009 Hardcover: 336 pages Where’d I Get It: Bargain[…]
Title: The Descent Author: Jeff Long Genre: Science Fiction…or Thriller… Publisher: Jove Publication Date: October 31, 2001Month xx, xxxx Paperback: 592 pages Where’d I Get It: Purchased by Hubby, for[…]
Well, hello there! I have again been absent, if I ever really returned the first time, and I do deeply apologize for this. As a good many of you know,[…]
Title: Nightshade Author: Andrea Cremer Genre: Young Adult Publisher: Philomel Publication Date: October 19, 2010 Hardcover: 528 pages Where’d I Get It: Pre-Ordered from Amazon.com Synopsis (From Goodreads): Calla Tor[…]
Hello, darlings. =) Since introducing my Bellaesque rating system, I’ve begun receiving quite a few e-Mails informing me just how horrible and delusional and just plain weird I am for[…]