Blogspiration #1

I’ve been looking for a new meme to poke at for a while now, because despite the part where I don’t want my blog filled with nothing but memes, I have to have SOMETHING to fill in the times when I can’t quite blog in detail or post a review but I do want something […]

Mystery & Suspense Challenge

Book Chick City is once again hosting the Mystery & Suspense Challenge and though I haven’t managed to complete it in the past (goodness! You’d think I had a crazy hectic life or something!), I plan on trying again this year.  I mean, it can’t hurt, right? 🙂 The timeline for the challenge is: January […]

2012 Picture Book Reading Challenge

We, and by we I mean the Geekling and myself, are going to be participating in the 2012 Picture Book Reading Challenge this year.  This challenge is hosted by There’s A Book and seems like a really fun way to keep me motivated to read consistently to our little one.  It’s so easy to just […]

Ramble & The Twelve

In which I ramble on about “The Twelve” (insert happy squeal here) and agree vehemently with Trish at Hey Lady! Watcha Readin’? about mind-numbing baby games.

From Bland to Grand: Why a Siding Makeover Can Be Your Home’s Superhero (and Why Top Contractors Matter)

What was it about this book that made me like it so much that I’d give it 4 stars? Well, that’s hard to pinpoint, really. I suppose, then, that I should just list what I liked and what I didn’t like and hope that you, dear reader, can see that you really should read this book.

Book Blogger Hop #9

Thank goodness it’s Friday!  This has been one heck of a week for me and I’m super happy that the weekend is almost here. Yay! It’s also time for the Book Blogger Hop which is a weekly hop hosted by  This week’s prompt is: In honor of Banned Books Week, what is your favorite “banned […]

Forbidden – Tabitha Suzuma

Forbidden is an emotionally charged book. It’s a story of loss, of heartache, of trials and tribulations that no child should ever have to go through, and it is the story of a love so fierce that nothing and no one can stand in its way.

Espresso…Mmm – The Espresso Book Machine

But not the steamy hot kind that comes from your favorite coffee shop. I’m talking about the Espresso Book Machine.  It’s all over the Twittersphere today that HarperCollins publishing house has signed up to allow 5,000+ of their titles to be offered through the lovely device. They’re calling it their “Comprehensive Backlist” program and what […]