If you click here you can pre-order the title through Amazon. That’s not an affiliate link…I get nothing for you ordering, I just want to share the love. I may or may not have squealed a little bit when I saw it pop up. Actually, I didn’t squeal at all, because the baby’s sleeping right […]
Christopher Pike’s Thirst No. 5
…and Sita’s story continues. OH my.gosh. This is me squealing like a squealy little girl. Really, yes, I am that excited. I have loved this series since it first began and it thrills me beyond rationality that it has been picked back up and continues in as thrilling a way as it was initially. I […]
Book Store Spree in Mississippi…
So as I said, I managed to get to The Ridiculous Bookstore and snag a few books. Their 5 for $1 section wasn’t as full and lovely as I remember it being, so I avoided that section and went back to “Children’s”. My new additions are: Hit and Run by Lurlene McDaniel Synopsis: It was […]
I’m in Mississippi…
Gulfport, to be exact. Harrison County. HOME…or as home as one can get when one’s husband is still at one’s currently really real home in San Jose, California. 🙁 But, on the up side…there’s a bookstore here that I adore. It’s called The Ridiculous Book Store and they have a wall of popular paperbacks @ […]
Ree Ramblings…
So I’m trying to get back into this whole blogging thing. It’s been a little more difficult to get back into the swing of things than I thought it would be, mainly because my attention span is still similar to a two year old’s. I don’t know if it’s the hormones from being pregnant or […]
Oooh what a fun day!
I don’t usually do the “In My Mailbox” style post, but I’m so excited about what came in the mail today that I can’t resist. I pre-ordered Christopher Pike’s Thirst No. 3: The Eternal Dawn a few months ago, and it arrived TODAY. I am so so so so SO excited to read this book […]
In My Mailbox & etc.
Over the last two weeks I’ve received some lovely books through the mail. So, I thought I’d take a moment to post a public thank you here, and spotlight what arrived. The first to arrive was an ARC of Random by Craig Robertson. This was sent to me from Simon & Schuster UK and is […]
Bookstore Bonanza, or…Oops, I spent too much.
The husband and I decided to have date night/day looking for books. Our first stop was a local (somewhat local, anyway) bookstore, Hicklebee’s. We’d never been, and I was desperate to buy Firelight today, so we decided to go. Alas, there was no Firelight to be had upon their shelves. We did not leave empty […]