Blogspiration #7

Blogspiration is a new meme hosted jointly by GrowingUp YA and saz101.  It is meant to, according to these lovely bloggers, “help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike.”  I don’t know about you, but I am often in need of inspiration and motivation, and I think this hop just may do that. The rules from our hosts […]

Blogspiration #6

Blogspiration is a new meme hosted jointly by GrowingUp YA and saz101.  It is meant to, according to these lovely bloggers, “help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike.”  I don’t know about you, but I am often in need of inspiration and motivation, and I think this hop just may do that. The rules from our hosts […]

Blogspiration #5

Blogspiration is a new meme hosted jointly by GrowingUp YA and saz101.  It is meant to, according to these lovely bloggers, “help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike.”  I don’t know about you, but I am often in need of inspiration and motivation, and I think this hop just may do that. The rules from our hosts […]

Blogspiration #4

Yikes! I’ve missed a few of these. It is -insane- how hectic life gets around here sometimes. There are days when I barely have enough time to breathe, so I really shouldn’t be surprised when a meme goes missing from my rotation.  Still and all, I would like to TRY to get these done EVERY […]

Blogspiration #3

So the 2nd one of these I posted happened on a Wednesday, and I wanted to get the next one up on Sunday…but hey, life is CRAAAZY when you have an 8 month old and a husband who actually likes to spend time with his family.  Note that this isn’t a complaint, I’m just explaining […]

Blogspiration #2

I meant to post this on Sunday (Eek…it’s already WEDNESDAY?) but we spent the morning and afternoon house hunting and putting in an offer on a house so things just went a little askew for the rest of the day, especially since Geekling was absolutely uninterested in being in a good mood long enough for […]

Blogspiration #1

I’ve been looking for a new meme to poke at for a while now, because despite the part where I don’t want my blog filled with nothing but memes, I have to have SOMETHING to fill in the times when I can’t quite blog in detail or post a review but I do want something […]

Book Blogger Hop #9

Thank goodness it’s Friday!  This has been one heck of a week for me and I’m super happy that the weekend is almost here. Yay! It’s also time for the Book Blogger Hop which is a weekly hop hosted by  This week’s prompt is: In honor of Banned Books Week, what is your favorite “banned […]