Well! Today got off to a little bit of a hectic start. My husband and I are doing a cycle of IVF treatment (yay!) so I’ve had doctor’s appointments every day this week. Unfortunately, that also included today, so I wasn’t able to focus as much on reading for this Read-a-Thon like I wanted to. […]
Oooh what a fun day!
I don’t usually do the “In My Mailbox” style post, but I’m so excited about what came in the mail today that I can’t resist. I pre-ordered Christopher Pike’s Thirst No. 3: The Eternal Dawn a few months ago, and it arrived TODAY. I am so so so so SO excited to read this book […]
New Female Protagonist Rating System
/begin rant From now on, if there’s a female protagonist in the book I’m reviewing, my review will state whether they are “Bellaesque” or “Non-Bellaesque” Why? Because I’ve read far too many books lately that make me want to grab the protagonist by the shoulders, shake her, tell her to get some bloody self respect, […]
Nightshade Campaign – Wow!
A few weeks ago I received an email asking me if I wanted to participate in the Shay Doran/Nightshade campaign. Well heck yes, I would! I’m eagerly anticipating this book and so I was absolutely thrilled to receive the email. They asked for my mailing address, which I happily provided, and then I settled in […]
My thoughts on the iPad…
A few weeks ago, after I discovered that if I wanted to read the NetGalley galleys off the computer, I’d have to get an eReader, I decided I wanted an eReader. Reading the galleys sitting at this desktop was just not ok, and my Eee PC has a conniption fit over PDFs when they’re open […]
RSS Feed Fixed
Hi lovelies… I’m just posting this to let all you millions (probably closer to a dozen) of folks who follow me know that my RSS feed should be working properly again. The silly thing apparently began freaking out when I changed themes and I’m only just now noticing. At any rate, it’s fixed now. Thanks […]
Speaking up for “Speak”
Author Laurie Halse Anderson wrote about a sensitive subject and her book is now under fire from a man spouting ridiculous nonsense. Books. Should. Not. Be. Banned. We have the right to read whatever we choose. We have the right to allow our children to read whatever we choose. ————————————————————————————————- No one (well, no one […]
In My Mailbox & etc.
Over the last two weeks I’ve received some lovely books through the mail. So, I thought I’d take a moment to post a public thank you here, and spotlight what arrived. The first to arrive was an ARC of Random by Craig Robertson. This was sent to me from Simon & Schuster UK and is […]