Title: Point of Retreat (Slammed #2) Author: Colleen Hoover Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Contemporary, Chick Lit, Drama Publisher: Atria Books Publication Date: September 18, 2012 EBook:300 pages Where’d Lindsay Get It: NetGalley Synopsis (From Goodreads): Hardships and heartache brought them together…now it will tear them apart. Layken and Will have proved their love can get […]
Insurgent by Veronica Roth
Title: Insurgent Author: Veronica Roth Genre: Young Adult Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books Publication Date: May 1, 2012 Hardcover: 525 pages Where’d I Get It: Barnes & Noble Synopsis (From Goodreads): One choice can transform you—or it can destroy you. But every choice has consequences, and as unrest surges in the factions all around her, Tris Prior must continue trying […]
The Lady’s Maid by Dilly Court
Title: The Lady’s Maid Author: Dilly Court Genre: Literature/Fiction (Adult) Publisher: Arrow Publication Date: October 15, 2012 Hardcover: 480 pages Where’d Lindsay Get It: Netgalley Synopsis (From Goodreads): In the quiet of a warm summer’s evening, two young mothers are forced to give up their babies. Whilst Kate grows up knowing only poverty and servitude, […]
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Title: Divergent Author: Veronica Roth Genre: Young Adult Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books Publication Date: April 25, 2011 Hardcover: 487 pages Where’d I Get It: Purchased from Barnes & Noble Synopsis (From Goodreads): In Beatrice Prior’s dystopian Chicago, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue–Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the […]
A Fistful of Collars by Spencer Quinn
Title: A Fistful of Collars Author: Spencer Quinn Genre: Adult, Mystery Publisher: Atria Books Publication Date: September 11, 2012 Hardcover: 322 pages Where’d I Get It: NetGalley.com Synopsis (From Goodreads): Everyone’s favorite detective team returns in a new adventure as canine narrator Chet and his human partner P.I. Bernie Little find that Hollywood has gone to […]
Frozen by Mary Casanova
Sixteen-year-old Sadie Rose hasn’t said a word in eleven years—ever since the day she was found lying in a snowbank during a howling storm. Like her voice, her memories of her mother and what happened that night were frozen.
Set during the roaring 1920s in the beautiful, wild area on Rainy Lake where Minnesota meets Canada, Frozen tells the remarkable story of Sadie Rose, whose mother died under strange circumstances the same night that Sadie Rose was found, unable to speak, in a snowbank. Sadie Rose doesn’t know her last name and has only fleeting memories of her mother—and the conflicting knowledge that her mother had worked in a brothel. Taken in as a foster child by a corrupt senator, Sadie Rose spends every summer along the shores of Rainy Lake, where her silence is both a prison and a sanctuary.
Plan B by Charnan Simon
Is this happily ever after? Lucy has her life planned out: she’ll graduate and then join her boyfriend, Luke, at college in Austin. She’ll become a Spanish teacher and of course they’ll get married. So there’s no reason to wait, right? They try to be careful. But then Lucy gets pregnant. Now, none of Lucy’s options are part of her picture-perfect plan. Together, she and Luke will have to make the most difficult decision of their lives.
Such A Pretty Face by Cathy Lamb
Stevie Barrett is a 35-year-old legal secretary in Portland. She’s also literally half the woman she used to be. Bariatric surgery melted 150 pounds off her frame, and life is looking up. However, Stevie’s svelte physique carries its own baggage.