Title: The Rainbow Fish Author: Marcus Pfister Genre: Children’s Publisher: North-South Books, Inc. Publication Date: January 28, 1999 Hardcover: 32 pages Where’d I Get It: Purchased Synopsis (From Goodreads): Rainbow Fish will enchant even the youngest child with his silver scales and heart of gold in this award-winning book about the beautiful fish who learned […]
Daughter of the Centaurs by K.K. Ross
I wanted to love this book; It’s about Centaurs! Horses are my ultimate favorite and I absolutely adore stories about then or with them in it. Centaurs count in that adoration of mine, so really I just had to read the story. Unfortunately, the promise of horsetasticness just never came through.
Mystery & Suspense Challenge
Book Chick City is once again hosting the Mystery & Suspense Challenge and though I haven’t managed to complete it in the past (goodness! You’d think I had a crazy hectic life or something!), I plan on trying again this year. I mean, it can’t hurt, right? 🙂 The timeline for the challenge is: January […]
From Bland to Grand: Why a Siding Makeover Can Be Your Home’s Superhero (and Why Top Contractors Matter)
What was it about this book that made me like it so much that I’d give it 4 stars? Well, that’s hard to pinpoint, really. I suppose, then, that I should just list what I liked and what I didn’t like and hope that you, dear reader, can see that you really should read this book.
Forbidden – Tabitha Suzuma
Forbidden is an emotionally charged book. It’s a story of loss, of heartache, of trials and tribulations that no child should ever have to go through, and it is the story of a love so fierce that nothing and no one can stand in its way.
Eve by Anna Carey
The general premise of this book is good. The author’s writing is decent and it seems the editing job was nicely done. In fact, the only thing about the book that was bad is that it was just…bad? Nothing made sense to me. Now I could be just having a brain problem, but Eve as a character just really grated on my nerves and was completely unbelievable.
Across the Universe by Beth Revis
Title: Across the Universe Author: Beth Revis Genre: Young Adult Publisher: Razorbill Publication Date: January 11, 2011 Hardcover: 416 pages Where’d I Get It: Library Synopsis (From Goodreads): Seventeen-year-old Amy joins her parents as frozen cargo aboard the vast spaceship Godspeed and expects to awaken on a new planet, three hundred years in the future. Never […]
Vanish by Sophie Jordan
Vanish picks up where Firelight left us and takes us on a journey into the heart of Draki society. Ms. Jordan shows us more of the mythology behind the dragons in this sequel, which is nice, but it seems that this book just doesn’t quite have the pep and zing that the first in the series had. I think this book suffers a bit from being the middle child. That said, Vanish is definitely not a bad book and is most certainly worth the read.