You know that book that you want to review, but you just can’t find the time…or you don’t have enough to say about it to devote a full review page to? Here’s where I’ll be reviewing THOSE books. Little bitty mini-reviews of awesomeness.
March 2012
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini | HarperTeen
* I’ve read this before and couldn’t bring myself to review it. I read it again. And I still have few good things to say about it. I like the whole Greek god theme (even though it’s skewed and weird and…yeah). I think the story had potential. The characters, though…oh my gosh. WHY was it necessary to redo Twilight AGAIN? I mean, honestly, it’s better than Twilight. But that’s not saying much. Anyway, what really got on my nerves was the blatant disregard for women in this book. Sexism abounds. Helen’s ok with being manhandled and talked down to and forced into situations that she’s not comfortable with. She is a doormat…and it’s GLORIFIED. Right, so…yes. There was the part that I liked that there was no poorly done love triangle, but I recently found out that the sequel adds another guy to the mix. WOOHOO, that just guarantees I will NOT touch Dreamless. Blegh. (A review copy of this book was given to me by the publisher. I don’t hold this one against HarperCollins, though, as I usually very much enjoy their books!) 🙂
February 2012
Meant to Be by Tiffany King | Self Published/CreateSpace
* The synopsis was easily the best part of this book. It promised big things and got me all excited and happy…but the book itself was a bit of a letdown. There’s a serious lack of editing (which seems prevalent in most of the Self Published books I’ve read recently, sadly) and the pace was awkward. As far as characters and growth – meh. Not so much. We’re told, not shown, and that just kills the mood. The premise was enticing – and I was interested enough to continue reading to the end – but the overwhelming number of cliches and lack of world building means I won’t be grabbing the sequel.
Descended by Blood by Angeline Kace | Accendo Press LLC
* I really just don’t know what to say here. No, just no. The end.
January 2012
Ten Things We Did And Probably Shouldn’t Have by Sarah Mlynowski | HarperTeen
* I found this one on Amazon for the bargain price of 99c. Or was it free? I can’t remember. Anyway, it was a fun read. I see a lot of parental sorts having aneurysms over the part where the teens in the book have sex. Guess what, folks? Teens have sex! It’s a thing. The -important- thing to keep in mind about this book is that it talks A LOT about safe sex. Safe. Meaning no babies and no STDs. That’s important. I didn’t even mind the absentee parents because in this case, they were believable. Right, so, good book, I’d recommend it as a quick and fun read.