Literary Obsession

11 Apr 2011
Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton

At the beginning of this debut novel, we are introduced to Ellie and what appears to be the typical life of a typical teenager. It’s this first bit of writing that kept my interest – not so much because the information was riveting (remember, typical and typical) but because the writing was such that the typical -sounded- good. (Or read well…whatever you like.)

7 Mar 2011
Stork by Wendy Delsol

I discovered Stork while filling my Amazon cart with books I’d had on my wish list for a while. When this popped up on the recommended list, the word “Stork” automatically caught my attention – I was, after all, newly pregnant and quite fascinated with everything baby. The synopsis drew me further in and though when I purchased the book there were not a lot of reviews out yet, I decided to go with it anyway. I mean…storks…babies…debut novel…you can’t lose! Right?

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