I just finished a book the other day (Descended by Blood by Angeline Kace) that had the most hideous and poorly written love triangle since Twilight. Or, well, did it? Once I finished reading, I started thinking more about it. Really, I loathe love triangles. I don’t even like calling them “love” triangles, because they’re […]
Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
Title: Pandemonium Author: Lauren Oliver Genre: Young Adult Series: Yes; #2 Publisher: HarperCollins/HarperTeen Publication Date: February 28, 2012 Nook Book: 384 pages, 1 MB Where’d I Get It: Purchased Synopsis (From Goodreads): I’m pushing aside the memory of my nightmare, pushing aside thoughts of Alex, pushing aside thoughts of Hana and my old school, push, push, […]
Fair Coin by E.C. Myers
Title: Fair Coin Author: E.C. Myers Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Fantasy Publisher: Prometheus Books Publication Date: March 27, 2012 Hardcover: 250 pages Where’d I Get It: From the publisher Synopsis (From Goodreads): Sixteen-year-old Ephraim Scott is horrified when he comes home from school and finds his mother unconscious at the kitchen table, clutching a bottle of […]
Book Bloggers and Publishers Online Conference – BBPOC
I was going through my feed reader, trying to catch up on the new reviews and random posts that all the bloggers I follow have published recently, when I noticed that Amanda over at Letters Inside Out had a post up about something called “BBPOC”. I did not immediately recognize the acronym, so I had […]
J.K. Rowling’s New Book
I’ve seen a lot of people complaining that there’s so little information being released about the new J.K. Rowling book. I’ve also seen a lot of people just discussing what they think it might be. Mostly, it seems it’s all excitement and fun. In an article speculating about the novel (and it seems the article […]
Blogspiration #5
Blogspiration is a new meme hosted jointly by GrowingUp YA and saz101. It is meant to, according to these lovely bloggers, “help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike.” I don’t know about you, but I am often in need of inspiration and motivation, and I think this hop just may do that. The rules from our hosts […]
The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch
Title: The Eleventh Plague Author: Jeff Hirsch Genre: Young Adult Dystopian Publisher: Scholastic, Inc. Publication Date: September 1, 2011 Hardcover: 304 pages Where’d I Get It: Purchased Synopsis (From Goodreads): The wars that followed The Collapse nearly destroyed civilization. Now, twenty years later, the world is faced with a choice—rebuild what was or make something new. […]
Christopher Pike Update: Spooksville, Witch World, Thirst V
Just a little update brought to you via the Christopher Pike Facebook Fan Page of AWESOMENESS.