Review Requests

Review Requests

Traditional Authors & Publishers:

I accept e-books (for Nook), ARCs, Galleys, and completed novels.  I will provide you with a copy of the review.

Self-Published Authors:

Due to time constraints, I no longer accept Self-Published works.  IF your book has been professionally edited and is a Children’s book, please fill out the form below.

Genres Accepted:

  • Young Adult & Adult
    • Science Fiction
    • Fantasy
    • Dystopian
    • Urban Fantasy
    • Mystery
    • Thriller
    • Paranormal
    • Contemporary Fiction

Genres NOT Accepted:

  • Erotica
  • Religious
  • Non Fiction

Where I Post Reviews:

  • Others upon request.


  1. I prefer print copies and those take precedence over e-books.
  2. I reserve the right to refuse any books submitted for review.
  3. If you submit your book for review, and I read the book, the review will be published – good, bad, or ugly. I will not pull reviews from the site.
  4. PLEASE do not request that I purchase your book.
  5. I can make NO PROMISES about when a book will be finished.  I try to finish  books within two weeks of receipt and publish a review within two weeks from then.  This does not always happen. I have a backlog of books and a toddler. Sometimes things get a little crazy.
  6. I absolutely love guest posts, interviews, and giveaways.  If you are willing to take part in any of those three activities, you’ll make me smile and rainbows and glitter will appear next to your request.

If you’re still interested, please fill out the form below if you’d like to request a review of your book on

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)



Your Message

Book Title & Author (required):

Release Date (required):

Book Genre (required):

Book Synopsis (required):

Publisher Information (required):

Would you supply a print copy or eBook? (required):

Are you available for a guest post, an interview, or will you sponsor a giveaway of the book? (required)
Guest PostInterviewGiveawayAll

Thanks a ton,


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