Blogspiration #5

Blogspiration is a new meme hosted jointly by GrowingUp YA and saz101.  It is meant to, according to these lovely bloggers, “help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike.”  I don’t know about you, but I am often in need of inspiration and motivation, and I think this hop just may do that. The rules from our hosts […]

Blogspiration #3

So the 2nd one of these I posted happened on a Wednesday, and I wanted to get the next one up on Sunday…but hey, life is CRAAAZY when you have an 8 month old and a husband who actually likes to spend time with his family.  Note that this isn’t a complaint, I’m just explaining […]

Blogspiration #2

I meant to post this on Sunday (Eek…it’s already WEDNESDAY?) but we spent the morning and afternoon house hunting and putting in an offer on a house so things just went a little askew for the rest of the day, especially since Geekling was absolutely uninterested in being in a good mood long enough for […]

Book Blogger Hop #8

Happy Friday, everyone! 🙂 The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jen from Crazy For Books.  To find out more about the hop, please visit her site.  Actually, visit her site anyway – it’s pretty nifty! This week’s Hop question is: “As a book blogger, how do you introduce yourself in your profile?” My answer: […]

Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon (Update #1)

Well!  Today got off to a little bit of a hectic start.  My husband and I are doing a cycle of IVF treatment (yay!) so I’ve had doctor’s appointments every day this week.  Unfortunately, that also included today, so I wasn’t able to focus as much on reading for this Read-a-Thon like I wanted to. […]

Book Blogger Hop – Sep 17-20, 2010

This week’s theme is: In honor of Book Blogger Appreciation Week, let’s take time this week to honor our favorite book bloggers and why we love them! Well, that’s a tough one!  I have so very many “favorites” at this point that it’s nearly impossible to pinpoint just one or two.  That said, though, there’s […]

Monday Meanderings #2

My first stop today was over at my friend Bree’s place.  She’s the author of 1Girl2ManyBooks and is a dear friend of mine.  I absolutely love reading her reviews, because they never fail to tell me straight up what’s great or what’s horrid about a book.  One of my favorite posts of hers is a […]

Booking Through Thursday – #1

Decided to participate in the Booking Through Thursday meme.  These things are getting addicting!  Today’s question is: “You’ve just dropped your favorite, out-of-print book into a bathtub, ruining it completely … What do you do now?” Well first of all…why did I have my favorite, out-of-print book near the bathtub?  That’s kind of silly.  But, […]