Synopsis (From Goodreads): The Undying: SHADES finds American student Jeanie and her young charge, Ren, fifteen years after the EMP that wiped out Paris and sent them on the run from the undying. Walking the highways and hiding out in abandoned buildings across France, they eventually find their way to Spain and the walled city of Ronda where a few dozen survivors have gathered—safe enough from the hunting undying, but facing a new threat on the scorched planet: starvation.
Christopher Pike Update: Spooksville, Witch World, Thirst V
Just a little update brought to you via the Christopher Pike Facebook Fan Page of AWESOMENESS.
Christopher Pike’s Thirst No. 5
…and Sita’s story continues. OH my.gosh. This is me squealing like a squealy little girl. Really, yes, I am that excited. I have loved this series since it first began and it thrills me beyond rationality that it has been picked back up and continues in as thrilling a way as it was initially. I […]
Children of the Night by Dan Simmons
Title: Children of the Night Author: Dan Simmons Publisher: Grand Central Publishing Publication Date: June 2003 Mass Market Paperback: 464 pages Set in post-Ceausescu Romania, this unique take on vampirism was most definitely a yummy read. I have an avid interest in genetics and an even more avid interest in Vampires (notice I capitalize the […]
The Passage by Justin Cronin
My darling friend Bree of 1girl2manybooks told me about this book, and I immediately had to have it. I adore a good post-apocalyptic story, and this one has VAMPIRES. Ok, so the author doesn’t call them Vampires, but whatever, they’re vampy enough. And they don’t sparkle. That’s enough to get my interest right there. (Can […]